5 Best Food For Instant Energy

5 Best Food For Instant Energy

In recent times it is a great challenge to have diet that can provide you with long term energy rather than short energy boasts. But, having them on your dining table will provide you instant energy that is sustainable and can make you feel better. In this blog we will be discussing sme best food for instant energy taht you can incorporate in your daily hectic lives.

Vegetables and Fruits

Fresh fruits and vegetables are one of the best food for instant energy. They are high in proteins, vitamins and other needs of our body. The good news is you can take both in 2-3 small singular meals like you can add vegetables in you maincourse lunch and dinner, as a salad or even as a well prepared dish. Fruits can go easily in 2-3 bowl of salads or you can eat then in place of your snacks believe us they serve a great taste.

Here is a list of few such veggies and fruits:

  1. Bananas
  2. Cherries
  3. Oranges
  4. Apples
  5. Strawberries
  6. Sweet Potatoes
  7. Spinach
  8. Broccoli
  9. Dark Green Veggies (like spinach etc)

Nuts, Seeds and Grains

Raw nuts, seeds and whole grain food items are amongst the best food for instant energy. They are a great combination of carbs, fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals like potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus. They are a great choice for starting your day with high note of energy best part about them is they can be easily processed by the body. Our grand parents included them in their routine meals as they are an instant energy food for old age people.

We have listed few of them below, so that you can select the ebay for you:

  1. Almonds
  2. Cashews
  3. Hazelnuts
  4. Walnuts
  5. Brazil Nuts
  6. Brown Rice
  7. Oats
  8. Peacans
  9. Lentils

Meat and Lean Protein

If you are comfortable with non vegetarian food on your platers than meat or lean proteins are good source of instant energy food for athletes. They can almost fullfill all your energy requirements as they are highly rich in vitamins, proteins, fats, minerals. Eggs can be great choice to start your day, as per the researches one egg can provide you with 6 grams of protein and other nutrients. You can consider fish for your dinner they are a good source of Omega3.

Other items that you can add are:

  1. Beef Liver
  2. Yogurt
  3. Oyesters
  4. Crabs
  5. Shelfish
  6. Red Meat

Water and De-Caffeinated Drinks

Human body is approximately 60% made up of water that makes water the biggest source of energy for our bodies to keep going. Dehydration can cause fatique thus keeping your body fully hydrated is the best for instant energy, not only this water will provide you with sustainable energy so try to muggle up around 2 liter of water daily.

Other way you can keep your self hydrated in by having different kind of drinks at different point of time during the day but make sure to not go with caffeinated drinks as they will provide you with short term energy boosts but in long term they will not be much of help so try to take drinks with less sugar and less caffeine. Here are some good options to consider:

  1. Orange Juice
  2. Green Tea
  3. Lemonade
  4. Warm Water

Vitamins and Supplements

Vitamins and supplements are an instant energy food for weakness. If you feel like you are not getting all that your body requires then its the high time you must start taking additional supplements after consulting a dietician or a doctor who can address the exact needs.

Organic vitamins can be a great choice as they have very low chances of showing any cons on your body.

The needs of energy varies from body to body and age to age. So, its hard to give you some secret by which you can feel engised and less fatigued, We have provided you with the best options available now you can try different options as per your specific needs. Like if you are looking for an instant energy food for running than a cup of coffee or a dark chocolate will be good way to start but if you looking a food for good sleep than it would be glass of cold water.  


What food gives you energy quickly?

Bananas, dark chocolate gives your energy quickly. Bananas are rich in carbohydrates which can help you feel more active and alert quickly. Dark chocolate are full caffeine and few othe compounds that can boost your energy as soon you take them. Water, nuts, avocados, sweet potatoes can also provide you with quick energy.

Which food is best for high energy?

Bananas, oats, fruits, leafy vegetable and fish are the best source of high energy taht you can eat to feel more energised. Fruits and vegetables contain few complex carbohydrates so they act as a good energy booster. Berries are high in antioxidants, oranges are good source of vitamins C, nuts and seeds are also contain high energy.

What foods reduce weakness?

When its about reducing weakness berries, papayas, and Kiwi are the best options that one can have. Blueberries, strawberries are both good in taste and help you fight weakness. Kiwi also have properties that act as good fuel for your body removing weakness. Papayas can be handy as you can take them as drink also during your less energetic times, that will be easily digested and will provide you with good amount of energy.

What are 5 foods that fight fatigue?

Water is best when its about fighting fatigue. Apples and strawberries can also help you in achieving this goal.

How to boost energy instantly?

Food items which are high in caffeine can boost your energy instantly like coffee, tea and other caffeinated drinks. Apart from this fruit juices especially banana shake and orange juice can provide you with energy instantly. You can also consider items that are high in sugar as tehy will provide you with a little energy boost.

What foods increase stamina?

Oats, fish, china seeds, banana, almonds, cashews, leafy vegetables, lentils, beetroot, water are good foods for increasing stamina. Try to take them regularly for few weeks and try different combinations at different time across the day. Make sure to workout either go to gym or involve in some physical activity to get the best results across time.

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